Ex-Punjab CM Parvaiz Elahi arrested from outside his home


Ex-Punjab chief executive Parvaiz Elahi has been taken into custody from outside his home.

Punjab Caretaker Information Minister Amir Mir said that Parvez Elahi was wanted by the anti-corruption unit.

He said that the former CM resisted his arrested and only opened the door of his vehicle when the personnel shattered the door glass.

Elahi had been evading arrest since May 9  following which several PTI members and leaders have been arrested on allegations of their involvement in vandalism — as authorities continued to visit his house for his arrest multiple times.

Parvaiz Elahi was the chief minister when Imran Khan decided to dissolve Punjab and KP assemblies and from that point, the unending series of political events have started that culminated on his arrest before massive crackdown against PTI, in which hundreds of party leaders left the party.

Moonis Elahi reaction

PTI President Moonis Elahi said that the series of round-ups started from January, then his father told him that even if he was arrested, he would support Imran Khan.

“Three days ago my father and mother repeated the same thing. Now it is being said that the police have arrested my father on false charges. We are and will remain in PTI, Inshallah,” he added.

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