Govt committed to empower women: Governor Punjab


Lahore: Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar said that government’s commitment towards women’s empowerment and gender equality is clear. We are committed to protecting women’s rights and we will also succeed in the mission of women empowerment.

In the establishment of Pakistan, Fatima Jinnah and other women rendered their services on the frontline and we are proud of them. The role of women in eradicating terrorism and establishing peace in the country cannot be ignored. He was addressing the “Women Conference for Peace 2022” held in Lahore under the supervision of Provincial Female Ombudsman Nabila Hakim Ali Khan. On the occasion American Consul General William K Makaneole, social worker Farzana Bari, Provincial Ombudsman Nabila Hakim Ali Khan, Dr. Saboor Ahmed and others were also present.
Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar said that protection of women’s rights is essential for the development of any country. Despite the social and economic hardships , the number of women leaders in Pakistan have increased, adding that we had a female Prime Minister and also youngest Nobel Prize winning woman. He said that the present government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan is working to strengthen women and provide them employment opportunities. Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar said that besides the Governor SBP and the Speaker of the National Assembly in the past, there are a large number of women ministers, diplomats, judges, high level civil servants and diplomats. He said that our women fly fighter jets and serve in the UN peacekeeping force while a woman has also become a three star general in the army. We need to continue our struggle for achieving the goal of women’s empowerment and gender equality in the country, he said.
Governor Punjab said that the present government is giving women their rights and due representation in every project including Ehsaas Program. He said that there is no dearth of talent in Pakistani women,adding that, today, Pakistani women are successfully moving forward in every field including education, health, sports and business and they are making Pakistan proud. The atrocities and injustices perpetrated against women cannot be tolerated under any circumstances, he said
Provincial female ombudsman Nabila Hakim Ali Khan said that the present government has taken practical steps for the protection of women and now women are also getting their share in property. We take strict action wherever any incident involving women harassment comes to our notice. Those who oppress women will not be able to escape punishment. She said that we have to empower women because it is necessary for the Pakistan’s development.
The US Consul General in Lahore, William K. Makaneole, said that he was pleased that the government as well as other organizations and NGOs in Pakistan were working hard for the protection of women. He added, we give them full support wherever there is work for the protection of women. He said that the women must be given their rights for peace and strength of any society.

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