Importance of Self-Care for women

As women we often forget the need of self-care. We are so focused on what other people want from us that we forget that we have an identity of our own as well. We start viewing ourselves having a value only due to our relationships.
[bs-quote quote=”We start viewing ourselves having a value only due to our relationships.” style=”style-13″ align=”left” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Sarah Ahmad Uqaili ” author_job=”Contributor, Baaghi TV”][/bs-quote]
As a daughter we want our parents to be proud of us. As a wife we want to be a source of comfort for our spouse. As a mother we want to guide our kids in ways that no one else can. As a sister we want to be available to any rants by our sibling. As a friend we want to be able to succeed in all phases of life together.
What we don’t realize is that we are human too. We have a personality of our own. And if we don’t give time to ourselves, that identity and that personality will start to diminish until one day you won’t be able to recognize your own self.
That is not only detrimental for your own self but also for all the relationships you are so worried about.
[bs-quote quote=”Others have a right over us but we have the most right over ourselves. We need to take care of our physical health as well as our mental health. Even if that means just sitting and doing nothing for a while.” style=”style-13″ align=”right” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Sarah Ahmad Uqaili ” author_job=”Contributor, Baaghi TV.”][/bs-quote]
Others have a right over us but we have the most right over ourselves. We need to take care of our physical health as well as our mental health. Even if that means just sitting and doing nothing for a while.
It may seem like wasting time but this is how some people regain their lost energy.
It can also be finding some quiet time and reading a few pages of your favourite book. It can even be just looking at the beautiful nature outside your window. What refuels you, you have a right to do it and give it priority.
So before you give preference to someone else before your own comfort the next time, do ask yourself if it will really be beneficial for you and the people around you in the long run.
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