Important US personality is visiting Pakistan: Mubasher Lucman


According to the report of Baaghi TV, senior journalist and anchorperson Mubasher Lucman has said that efforts are being made to make Pakistan a scapegoat.

Which important person is coming to visit Pakistan in the coming days? Will Pakistan now bear the American pressure or will we have to try to adopt a new strategy?

This is still happening, so the differences between the United States and Pakistan in this regard are nothing new.

US officials have repeatedly accused Pakistan of adopting a double standard, but our Prime Minister Imran Khan has vehemently denied this impression, saying that Western countries should acknowledge Pakistan’s sacrifices. Because Pakistan itself has been badly affected by extremism and Pakistan should not be made a scapegoat for its failures in Afghanistan.

Imran Khan had repeated the same thing in his recent interview given to Turkish TV that Pakistan was with the United States in the Cold War, we lost 150 billion in the Afghan war. It is painful for us to make a scapegoat take our eyes off our mistakes.

He also said that President Biden was under a lot of pressure at the moment and that the United States was in trouble after the Taliban government came to power. And the Americans are looking for a scapegoat.

Another important thing that Prime Minister Imran Khan has been repeating for a long time that , I am opposed to a solution to the problem through war. Negotiation is the only way forward, that is why talks are being held with the Taliban at the moment.

According to our Federal Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid, talks are being held on Afghan soil at the moment. After that, the Taliban who agree to surrender can be pardoned, Baloch are also in talks with militants but the United States has the exact opposite of what it expects of us.

It wants us to take action against extremists. Even forcing Pakistan to do more, US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is visiting Pakistan. She will hold important meetings with Pakistani officials in Islamabad on October 7 and 8. This will be the first visit to Islamabad by a US official since Biden became president and the Taliban government in Afghanistan.

Mubasher Lucman said that Wendy Sherman has left the United States for her long visit and in this regard, she is currently in Switzerland. She is also scheduled to visit India and Uzbekistan. Before reaching Pakistan, she told reporters that the United States wanted a strong partnership with Pakistan against terrorism and that we all expect indiscriminate action against militants and terrorist groups

By the way, he also acknowledged Pakistan’s position that terrorism has caused a lot of damage to Pakistan.

Both our countries are deeply affected by the scourge of terrorism and we look forward to working together to eliminate all regional and international terrorist threats.

You will also remember the bill that was introduced in the US Senate the day before that sanctions can be imposed against Pakistan, so at this time the US wants to put pressure on us in every way.

“Let me tell you, what is the agenda behind it?” Mubasher Lucman said.

The United States has left Afghanistan, but before leaving, it thought that the Afghan army that we have been training and the Afghan government that we have been raising for so many years, even after leaving here, we will continue to support this army and government. They will maintain their dominance in Afghanistan through which they will continue to be spied on by these soldiers. But as soon as the United States withdrew, the situation was reversed and the army also piled up.

Government officials also fled and all the spy bases were closed. The situation reached such a point that not only the United States but also India had to suffocate and flee.

So America’s way to India was also blocked. Although India has come down to its good deeds again, it wants to send Afghans going to India back to Afghanistan as its spies by training them.

But let me tell you – it wasn’t easy. You have the example of Zabihullah Mujahid that for a while the United States thought that maybe this is a fake account or just using a name or running a cross-account in another country.

But they could never trace Zabihullah Mujahid. If America, which was a superpower, could not control the Taliban in twenty years, then what field is India?

Therefore, India must now realize that such conspiracies against the Taliban are not easy. They have their intelligence network.

Mubasher Lucman said that now that India has also left Afghanistan, the United States has seen Pakistan. Pakistan also has good relations with the Taliban.

Pakistan had also played an important role in the talks between the US and the Taliban, so now the US is thinking why not use Pakistan for its interests.

And the biggest interest the United States wants at the moment is to include other factions in the Taliban government.

That is why the United States has so far not recognized the Taliban government, and its direct goal is not to make the Taliban government more powerful.

Obviously, when several groups form a coalition government, the Taliban will not be able to implement their ideology in the way they want. And they will be embroiled in their own infighting, after which the United States will be able to say that the war we fought for twenty years was all right because the Taliban are not peace-loving people.

And behind this US concern is India. Because he fears that the Taliban’s entry into Afghanistan will also strengthen the ongoing independence movement in Kashmir. That is why he is pushing through the United States that Pakistan needs to focus on eliminating all extremist groups. So that we are thrown into war again and propaganda is spread against us everywhere.

At the same time, all this pressure is a punishment for Pakistan’s growing and strengthening relations with China, because the friendship between Pakistan and China is not tolerated by the United States or India.

Western nations today are equally concerned that Afghanistan may once again become a haven for extremists.

However, the Taliban leadership has assured that it will not allow its territory to be used against any country.

So we must learn from our experiences how, with the certainty of the Soviet Union’s defeat in the Afghan-Soviet war, the United States imposed trade sanctions on its closest ally, Pakistan, and left it all alone.

When the United States needed Pakistan after 9/11, Pakistan was still under US sanctions.

Not only has the United States been critical of Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan, but US officials have also accused us of covertly supporting Pakistan’s Afghan intelligence service. However, Pakistan has always played its role in peace.

On the other hand, Pakistan always has to bear the brunt of the US game in the region.

But now is the time to seriously consider why the United States is making sanctions on Pakistan every time it makes sacrifices.

How long will we continue to be in trouble despite helping the United States in this way?

The rest of the talk is that the United States wants human rights to be respected in Afghanistan, women to be allowed to work and girls to be allowed to go to school.

All this is being done only to bring other countries together in the name of human rights and to prevent them from recognizing the Taliban government.

Mubasher Lucman said that the fact is that the United States wants to push the region to the same hell as it did in the 1990s.

The rest is up to Pakistan how much it tolerates the American pressure of Domore which was tried to be put on us by the US senators in the form of the anti-Pakistan bill and now Wendy Sherman is coming to put the same pressure on Pakistan.

In the internal affairs of our country and as Pakistan has become economically weak, we have to be very careful in whatever we decide.

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