Imran Khan Address in UN on Kashmir


United Nations 27 Sept: Imran Khan pointed out that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had been reciting the mantra of “Islamic terrorism” as he did not have any other argument.

The phrase “Islamic terrorism”, he said, allowed India to dismiss human rights and increase persecution of the people of Kashmir.

He said the acts of the fascist RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) backed government were leading to radicalisation of the Muslims. Following years of persecution, he added, the Kashmiris would be radicalised and feared that there would be more Pulwama like incidents.

He recalled the statement of Indian army chief, who spoke of 500 terrorists in Pakistan getting ready to launch attacks in India and questioned as to why would Pakistan send only 500 when there were 900,000 Indian troops in the held Kashmir.

He said 180 million Muslims of India were also watching what was happening to the eight million locked up in held Kashmir by the Indian army and so were the 1.3 billion Muslims around the world. He warned that if there was a bloodbath, after the lifting of curfew, they would react as they saw that no justice was being done.

“How would the Jewish community react if even 8,000 Jews were under lockdown? How would the Europeans react? How would any human community react? Are we children of a lesser God? Don’t u know this causes us pain,” Imran Khan said.

The prime minister pointed out that Narendra Modi was a member of the fascist RSS party, which believed in racist cleansing of the Muslims. The RSS believed in the ideology pursued by Hitler and Mussolini of racial purity. The understanding of that ideology was vital in understanding the state of things happening in the occupied Kashmir.

He said the RSS believed that the golden age of Hinduism came to an end because of the Muslim empire. The RSS bred on an ideology of hate, which later led to the murder of Mahatma Gandhi.

Describing the Khaki clad RSS workers as “goons”, Imran Khan said they were responsible for the butchering of 2,000 Muslims in the Indian state of Gujarat, while Modi was the chief minister. Some 150,000 Muslims were made homeless.

And now, he said, women, children and sick had been locked up (in the held Kashmir) as if they were animals. “They are human beings … If you lock up even animals like these, the RSPCA in London [UK’s animal welfare charity] would make it a big issue.”

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