Imran Khan and Arena One Rally

  • Vow and vow! Like him, hate him, disagree with him or whatever but you can never ignore him.

And if one is not totally subjective because of one’s personal political stand point, one can’t help but admire him for his sheer audacity as witnessed last night during the rally at Washington DC’s Arena One. There he was, clad in simplest of Pakistani dresses, at ease with himself and totally focused on his mission, looking every inch the leader of one of the most important but fragmented and sharply divided nations in the world.

Hold on! Did I say NATION?

That’s how one felt when he came on to address a near hysterical crowd of Pakistanis living in USA. It was a massive crowd unlike past occasions when our politicians or military rulers would restrict themselves to select couple of hundreds in some hotel. Sitting home side of Atlantic, one felt bonded with the crowd chanting pro Pakistan slogans from deep within their hearts, sending out vibes which engulfed many into one, proud nation.

To be honest, there are people, critical of this visit for more than one reasons, some valid but mostly because of political reasons. More about it later when we sit down to evaluate its impact after it is over. For now, it’s all about Imran Khan and his moment in Washington DC.

I, for one, didn’t want to watch it beyond the time when he came on to speak to the fully charged crowd. I am sure there were many like me. Reasons? Simply because of the perception that Imran Khan usually has little to add to what he has been saying for all these years and months.
We were in for a huge surprise yet again. Few moments into his speech and I was hooked. I found myself listening to Pakistan’s leader, one that comes around once in a while. He was candid, recklessly courageous, making his points as only someone completely sincere with his cause would do. He praised China and its system standing within shouting distance of Capital Hill and White House! If that wasn’t enough, he praised CPEC and Pakistan’s resolve to see it through. He ended up by assuring the nation that while he’s for peace and negotiated settlement of issues bedevilling US-Pak relations, he would not compromise on Nation’s Dignity and Honour.

Who the hell could disagree with the PM, (pardon my expression)? And who wouldn’t be proud of his courage and conviction? Some friends are of the view that he over reached himself. Perhaps. But these points needed to be made, more importantly at a time when we have just achieved a wonderfully sweet success back home; merger of FATA as part of Pakistan and holding of first ever elections there in completely peaceful environments. Large turn out of burqa clad lady voters laid to rest the demon of terrorism in one the most volatile regions till just a few months back.

Riding on this success and provided much needed shot of adrenaline by hugely successful rally, Imran Khan should be in a great frame of mind when he steps into the White House later today for first real test of his diplomatic skills. He’s pitched against Donald Trump who’s not known for his politeness and would be holding all the best cards in the pack. Not an easy task Mr. PM but then we wouldn’t have put our faith in your leadership. Our prayers and best wishes are with you.

Mind you, Sir, you have consistently fallen short of our expectations so far. There isn’t room enough for much more.


Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates.

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