Indian aggression is grave violation of human rights, international law: Faisal Jiwana


JHANG, Aug 4 (APP):Advisor to Chief Minister Punjab Nawab Faisal Hayat Khan Jiwana has strongly condemned targeting of innocent Kasmiris with cluster bombs by Indian forces and said this heinous act is grave violation of human rights and international law.

Talking to media persons here Sunday, he said that nuclear threat between India and Pakistan would exist until resolution of Kashmir dispute.

He said the negative response by India in the wake of president Trump’s offer for mediation has exposed India as real terrorist state.

Expressing his concern over the recent Indian attempt to abolish the special status of Occupied Kashmir and sending its fresh troops in the Occupied Valley, Faisal Jiwana said peace in the region is in the interest of India and its provocation can not be tolerated.

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