Indian Government’s 5th August Action has Defied Kashmiris’ Aspirations: says envoy Tanvir


ISLAMABAD, Aug 3 (APP): Acting High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Tanvir Ahmad on Monday said the August 5 illegal action of the Indian government had defied Kashmiris’ aspirations besides planting the seeds for greater resistance in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

At an event held to mark one year of Indian military siege in the IIOJK in Colombo, he highlighted that the fascist Modi-led Indian government violated the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council by abrogating Articles 370 and 35A of its constitution.

The actig high commissioner said the Indian government had deployed thousands of additional troops in the IIOJK, imposed a crippling siege cutting off access to the essential services, arrested political leaders and shut down all forms of communication that had resulted in one of the greatest humanitarian crises in the world.

He reaffirmed the continued moral, political and diplomatic commitment of the government and people of Pakistan for the Kashmir cause and assured that Pakistan would always raise the voice for the rights of its Kashmiri brothers and sisters. He underscored that the world was slowly recognizing the Indian government’s atrocities and oppression of the Kashmiri people and expressed the hope that the day was not far when they would attain their right to self-determination.

The event was also addressed by Kashmir Study Forum Chairman Mohamed Jamaludeen, who paid homage to the Kashmiri people for their historical struggle for the right to self-determination and decried the human rights violations committed by the Indian armed forces for over seven decades. The event was attended by members of the Pakistani diaspora in Colombo, journalists and supporters of the Kashmir cause.

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