Indian Opposition Leader Rahul Gandhi calls for a national lockdown

Rahul Gandhi

Lahore, 4th May: Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi has called for a national lockdown in the country after an alarming increase in coronavirus cases.

Rahul Gandhi has urged the Indian government to impose a strict lockdown in the country after the COVID cases surged past 20 million on Tuesday.

Hence, India becomes the second nation after the United States that has passed the frightening milestone.

Referring to the Government of India, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi presented his proposition to control the spread of the coronavirus.

Gandhi tweeted, “GOI (Government of India) doesn’t get it. The only way to stop the spread of Corona now is a full lockdown- with the protection of NYAY for the vulnerable sections. GOI’s inaction is killing many innocent people.”

On the other hand, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not willing to impose a national lockdown in India due to the economic crunch.

In India, the highly infectious variant of coronavirus has severely affected the health system with a shortage of oxygen and hospital facilities.

Patients can be sen dyeing in ambulances and footpaths outside the hospitals.

At present, there are 3.45 million active cases in India. Over the last 24 hours, India has reported 357,229 new cases, while 3,449 deaths, taking the death toll to 222,408.

However, medical experts have said that the actual number be five to ten times more than reported.

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