India’s heavy investment in Bangladesh in tatters after border talks collapse


Analysts describe the collapse of border talks between India and Bangladesh as a major setback, dealing a heavy blow to the decades-long investment by India’s spy agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), in Bangladesh.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the DG level talks between India’s BSF and Bangladesh’s Border Guard failed to address border tensions and growing mistrust as new Dhaka is not ready to dance to Delhi’s tune, anymore.

Also, Dhaka’s enhanced alignment with Pakistan fears India’s top military and political brass. The collapse of border talks rattled Delhi’s military nerves, as India had never thought of Dhaka defying
New Delhi so bluntly. The development sent shock waves through India’s military ranks.

Seeing its decades-long investment go to waste, New Delhi has started crying foul over so-called Hindu rights in Bangladesh, while BSF bullets continue to silence innocent Bangladeshi farmers and journalists.

Analysts believe that India’s border diplomacy is a dead horse now, because Bangladesh has refused to bow because it is no more ready to make a compromise on “shoot-on-sight” and state-sanctioned slaughter as over 1,000 Bangladeshis have been killed by the India’s BSF.

From failed espionage to failed diplomacy, the analysts said, India’s grip on Bangladesh slips as Pakistan-Bangladesh ties tighten and truth breaks through the iron curtain of Indian propaganda.


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