Int’l community rejects false Indian narrative on IoJ&K: Masood Khan


ISLAMABAD, Sep 5 (APP):President Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Masood Khan Thursday said the international community has rejected the false narrative of India on Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoJ&K) after August 5 action.

Addressing a conference on “Kashmir: Heaven in Ashes” he said, “The global community has started acknowledging Pakistan’s narrative on IoJ&K and no one believes on India’s stance being propagated on the occupied valley.”

He urged the government of Pakistan to reject bilateral negotiations on Kashmir and stressed that Kashmir issue should be resolved as per the resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council in 1948.

“We must not talk to India on the bilateral plain, as they use this tactic to prolong their hold on Kashmir by scuttling the agenda and timeline of the talks”, he added.
No talks or solution on the Kashmir dispute would be accepted without the consent of the Kashmiri people, the president stated.

He lamented the lax attitude of the United Nations Security Council, who after one informal session has yet to convene subsequent sessions on the deteriorating condition in IoJ&K. The UN Security Council must take cognizance of the unprecedented human rights violations taking place in the occupied territory, he urged.

About the repeal of articles 370 and 35-A, the president said, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government was preparing its nefarious design to revoke the articles for the last many years to take control of the properties of Kashmiris.
He said that these articles were included in the Indian constitution just to facilitate pro-Indian Kashmiris leaders.
The president said that the BJP government and its operatives believed in Hindu-supremacy and were jeopardizing the peace and security of South Asia by its actions.

The AJK president said that India had been busy in systematic genocide of Kashmiri people for the last seven decades, but since August 5 this year, it had started implementing a horror plan to deprive the Kashmiri people of their religious entity, values, and special status of Kashmiri people.
Masood said that India while depriving the Kashmiri people of their rights, had been fast implementing its sordid plan of settling non-Kashmiri Hindus, settlements exclusively for the Kashmiri pundits and rehabilitating the so-called refugees of West Pakistan besides grabbing lands of Kashmiri people to oblige Indian ex-servicemen in the held valley.

He said Indian Occupied Kashmir was bleeding as the Indian forces were killing, torturing and perpetrating grave human rights’ violations there to suppress just freedom movement for their right to self-determination.

He said India deployed its heavily armed soldiers in Indian Occupied Kashmir in an attempt to deprive the innocent Kashmiri people from their fundamental rights.
He said Indian forces were committing genocide of Kashmiri people. The AJK president however, said the sacrifices of valiant Kashmiri people would not go in vain and they would succeed in realization of their right to self-determination.

He said India was replicating the policies of Hitler to fulfill its nefarious designs. He said information blackout in Occupied Kashmir was aimed at pursuing the ambitions of ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri people. He said India has virtually started war which may have horrible impacts on the whole region.
He said Indian rulers are implementing a well thought out strategy under which they have declared their own Muslim citizens, Pakistan and the Kashmiri people as their enemies, and have started actions against them.

He said India intends to become a big economic and military power but it considers Pakistan a hurdle in the way of its designs, and as such it wants to destabilize Pakistan at all costs.
The AJK president also appealed the international human rights organizations to advocate humanitarian corridor for oppressed people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He said that the constant curfew had created starvation-like situation in occupied Kashmir and people were facing shortages of essential items, including food and medicines.

Masood Khan said that 900,000 troops were fighting innocent unarmed Kashmiris whereas under this curfew 10,000 Kashmiris had been arrested, he said. Houses were raided, women were molested, and young Kashmiris were forcefully picked up and tortured in jails.

The AJK president regretted that the policies of some Muslim rulers had hurt the sentiments of Kashmiris; however, he said their individual decisions did not represent feelings of their people.
He said, “Stable Pakistan and strong economy will be helpful in resolving Kashmir issue as per the resolutions of UN and according to the aspirations of Kashmiri people.”

Former Federal Law Minister Bilal Soofi asked the international community to play their role for the lifting of curfew and asked them to send human rights observers to monitor situation in the IoJ&K.
He said that matchless sacrifices had been rendered by the Kashmiris from the last 72 years to get freedom from the India.

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