Is Megxit causing ‘Bad Blood’ among Royals?


Saturday, 18th Jan 2020: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex felt they had to step back as ‘senior royals’ from their official roles because of ‘bad blood’ in the Royal Family.

A friend of the couple said their decision to stand down as senior royals became ‘inevitable’ as they felt increasingly ostracised.

The source spoke to US magazine People, which has previously run a story defending Meghan which it said came from five of her close friends.

‘This is not how they wanted to handle this but Meghan and Harry’s hand was forced,’ the magazine quoted a friend as saying yesterday.

The friend gives credence to the claim that Harry was offended by his elder brother Prince William warning him about moving too fast in his relationship with actress Meghan.

They say the duchess was also hurt by ‘negative press’ and what she considered was her ‘outsider status as a bi-racial American’.

The source added: ‘Meghan and Harry didn’t feel they got enough comfort or solace from them [the royals].’

Members of the three main royal households – Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace – plus the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s private office, are attempting to come up with a proposition that satisfies the couple by the end of the week if possible.

Following Monday’s historic Sandringham summit the Queen, who has been deeply hurt by recent events, issued a statement capitulating to her grandson’s demands to allow him and Meghan to step down as senior working royals.

She made clear that she, Prince Charles and William would have preferred them to stay.

“We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through,” the queen’s statement reads.

But given the couple’s strength of feeling about being allowed to carve out a ‘financially independent’ life for themselves, albeit one that retains many of their royal privileges, the Queen has agreed to allow the couple to divide their time between Canada and the UK and asked staff to work ‘at pace’ at resolving the situation.

Image courtesy Sputnik News

Those involved include the four main private secretaries (also known as the chiefs of staff): Sir Edward Young for the Queen; Clive Alderton for Charles; Simon Case for William; and Harry’s new appointment, Fiona Mcilwham.

The biggest stumbling blocks, say insiders, are funding, residency, security, and how the couple intend to make their own living.

Brand experts say the couple’s star power could see them earn £400million over the next few years.

It is also understood the Sussexes feel let down by the wider ‘institution’ of the monarchy, as opposed to the much talked-about rift between Harry and William.

A source said: ‘It’s bigger than any issue with one individual, this is about them feeling let down by the institution and the structure around it.

‘They want to carve out a new model. It’s much bigger and more complex than falling out with any one particular person.’

Prince Harry and Ms. Markle would not be the first royals to live part time in Canada. Edward VIII, who abdicated from the throne in 1936, bought a ranch in the province of Alberta after a cross-Canada tour in 1919, when he was still the Prince of Wales.

According to The New York Times, the “couple had been planning the move for months,” meaning that they supposedly worked out what they wanted, submitted their intentions to Prince Charles via a formal proposal, and asked for a meeting with the Queen to discuss the situation.

However, the Evening Standard explains that an important next step supposedly never happened because the “meeting was blocked by courtiers.” Before Harry and Meghan could make another attempt, it seems their dreams were leaked, forcing them to break their own news or have the press break it for them.

In their announcement, they said they were going to be “financially independent,” meaning they won’t take any money from taxpayers, yet they will continue to support the queen. The couple will split their time between the UK and North America.

Prince Harry and Markle applied for a copyright stamp, including the “Sussex Royal” name and their joint charity, the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They applied in June and it was approved in December, just weeks before they made their announcement.

Rumor has it, that Meghan Markle might return to her acting career. However, it’s unclear if Markle will return to on-screen acting, but several outlets are reporting that she’s inked a deal to do voice-over work for Disney. As for Harry, it was reported last April that he’d be producing Oprah’s mental-health series on Apple TV+. It’s set to air this year.

The queen apparently called a family meeting on the 12th of Jan 2020. According to reports, “the queen was joined by Harry; his father, Charles, Prince of Wales; and his older brother, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge. Meghan, who is currently in Canada, was expected to join the meeting by phone,” NPR writes.

“The goal of the meeting was to agree on next steps for the couple. It follows days of discussions at Buckingham Palace and consultations between palace officials and members of the British and Canadian governments about the couple’s options.”

Stay tuned to BaaghiTV for more updates on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.


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