It is strange that ‘Sword’ & ‘Words’ are spelled similarly, they even have the same effect if misused: Mian Haroon Masood

My views about Rafia Arshad who has just been appointed a judge in Britain; the first Hijab wearing judge.

The news flashed on Facebook today that she did face difficulty regarding hijab but she stuck to it. After 14 years of harrowing and grueling experience she makes it. My views came about instantaneously. End of the day what matters is the respect for humanity, more so guaranteeing them their rights.

[bs-quote quote=”Through the course of history we know a fine line has to be drawn between persecution and prosecution because all lives matter regardless of the skin colour, cast and creed.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Mian Haroon Masood ” author_job=”Political Leader, Pakistan “][/bs-quote]

Through the course of history we know a fine line has to be drawn between persecution and prosecution because all lives matter regardless of the skin colour, cast and creed. Humans are after all, Allah’s beautiful creation. As long as she respects the law and acts accordingly, she deserves all respect and kindness. Out there enjoying such a position you have a greater responsibility, no justification of any willful deceit, conceit or any reason thereof, to practice affectation.

The wearing of hijab would be seen as a symbol of purity. She will exude charm if she works honestly and shows empathy to those whose fate is very much attached to her judgement, that will be the biggest test of her career, her set of valves that she sets before her in providing relief and even bringing them to book who justifiably can not escape punitive action. Her position will be judged by her actions not her whim or will.

[bs-quote quote=”Out there enjoying such a position you have a greater responsibility, no justification of any willful deceit, conceit or any reason thereof, to practice affectation.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Mian Haroon Masood ” author_job=”Political Leader, Pakistan “][/bs-quote]

Only if we cared for our brethren, life and the world would be a different place. If people were nice it would be so much better. Over the course of the history we have gone through varying times of trust, mistrust, hope, sorrow, happiness, jubilation and going through vicissitudes of life. If every one performed their duties to the best of their capabilities, this would be an Eden of garden.

All lives matter but the world has been an arsenal itself. Cities were pillaged and destroyed beyond recognition for the leader’s personal egos. Hitler and Mouselini were the tyrants of the 20th centuries.The 21 st century is also riven by wars, strikes and seizures. The world dynamics are changing constantly.

Despite that the realism, idealism is still a far cry. Gradually we are moving towards achieving the standards that are set by the civilized democracies. Black lives matter movement is a case in point. A lot still needs to be achieved yet.

You can’t still say all is right in the state of Denmark. Lahore was trampled over by the troops of the Mongols in 1200’s who came here from central Asia burnt this city to the ground and then left. Successively we saw many come and go. The government’s, the militaristic monarchies had all once blossomed in their own time and season. Evolution brings about changes.

[bs-quote quote=”All lives matter but the world has been an arsenal itself. Cities were pillaged and destroyed beyond recognition for the leader’s personal egos. Hitler and Mouselini were the tyrants of the 20th centuries.The 21 st century is also riven by wars, strikes and seizures.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Mian Haroon Masood ” author_job=”Political Leader, Pakistan “][/bs-quote]

In America they say black or white does not matter. It is green that now matters; Their present slogan. Green refers to the colour of the currency which is a common sign of life and subsistence.

Green is probably all that in every part of the world. Lebanon is in dire straits. So is Syria, Libya Afghanistan and Iraq. They say that it is strange that sword and words have the same letters – even more strange is that they have the same effect if misused.

Certainly, it is not just about the hijab or its sanctity, even the cloak or the robes that our honourable judges wear carries a lot of meaning. Everything goes to tatters, if the very spirit of the law is marred by inward motive, evil design or any other gainfully rich consideration. The grandeur, is torpedoed, if you make one wrong move. There it goes… when we say all lives matter, a free spirit therefore, can only be free if the judgements pronounced are free as well. Not made under duress or coercion. Depends whether you wish to be on the right side of the fence or the diametrically opposed one.

Therefore those who are granted positions of power should resort to the power of words and not swords.

When the world suddenly closes down on you

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