Kamala Harris blasts President Trump yet again


New York, 20th August: US candidate for Vice-President Kamala Harris has once again blasted Trump with the ‘failure of leadership’.

Kamala Harris has accepted her nomination as the US Democratic party’s vice-presidential candidate, running with Joe Biden for the White House.

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According to BBC News, in a speech to her party convention, the first US woman of color on a major-party ticket assailed President Donald Trump’s “failure of leadership”.

Kamala Harris takes aim at Trump

The California senator pledged to speak “truths” to the American public.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be challenging Donald Trump and his vice-president Mike Pence in the elections on the 3rd of November 2020.

“We’re at an inflection point,” Harris said, speaking live from a largely empty hotel ballroom in Mr. Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.

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Attacking Mr. Trump, she continued: “The constant chaos leaves us adrift. Incompetence makes us feel afraid. Callousness makes us feel alone. It’s a lot. And here’s the thing: We can do better and deserve so much more.”

Ms. Harris has pledged that she and Mr. Biden would revive a country fractured by the coronavirus pandemic and racial tension.

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“There is no vaccine for racism,” she said. “We’ve got to do the work.”

She continued: “Donald Trump’s failure has cost lives and livelihoods.”

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“Right now, we have a president who turns our tragedies into political weapons,” she added.

President Trump swiftly hit back, tweeting about Ms. Harris’ previous attack on Mr. Biden over his record on race issues, while they were both rivals for the Democratic White House nomination.

The moment came during a live TV debate last year, though Ms. Harris prefaced those remarks by telling Mr. Biden: “I do not believe you are a racist.”

Kamala Harris is the first black woman and South Asian American on a major US presidential ticket.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for all the latest news and updates!

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