Kashmir is Burning: PKKH released pictures showing atrocities of Indian Security forces in IHK


The PKKH Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz has released pictures depicting the atrocities committed by Indian security forces in the India Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

According to reports of Baaghitv, the organization, PKKH (Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz) has done a Marvell artwork depicting gross violation of human rights by Indian security forces in the scenic valley of Kashmir.

Managing Director of PKKH, Hanan Malik in exclusive talk with Baaghitv said, the organization is working for the past ten years for the welfare of humanity. The organization is not only covering the issues faced by Pakistan but also covering the International issues as well.Since inception, of Pakistan, Kashmir has been the biggest issue, so we are providing 24/7 coverage of this contentious issue.

Following the revocation of Article 370 and 35-A of Indian Constitution, which stripped the special status of Kashmir, we put efforts for highlighting this issue through images and videos. Since the communication blackout has been imposed by Indian administration in the Kashmir, the best suited platform for the coverage of this issue has been the Images and videos for which we have made special efforts.

They have received a welcoming response from the International community on this coverage, as the community has praised their efforts. He further said, this is not the first time, they (PKKH) have depicted the situation of Kashmir through the images, in the past they have also covered the Kashmir through the images. The whole purpose of these efforts is to highlight the Kashmir issue at all forums and to apprise the International community of the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir.











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