Kashmiris won’t tolerate illegal land mafia, non kashmiris occupation in valley: Mishal Malik


ISLAMABAD, Nov 5 (APP):Mishal Malik wife of Hurriyet Leader Yasin Malik Tuesday said that Kashmiris would never tolerate illegal land mafia and continues non Kashmiris occupation in Valley and world powers should take serious immediate steps to stop this human violation and discrimination with Kashmiri people by Indian Hitler Modi government.

Talking to private news channel, Mishal Malik said the brave people of Kashmir are under continuous siege for last three months and Indian government giving residency certificates to non Kashmiris where we will not compromise at any cost.

There is complete lockdown and communication black out in Occupied Kashmir, she said, adding, the human rights situation is getting worst day-by-day in occupied valley.

International community understands the gravity of situation, but failed to take any step to pressurize India to stop atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir, she regretted. She said Indian government is infringement of rights of Kashmiris but Kahsmiris would continued to effort for their struggle for self determination till last breath.

She said Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir continues to be the largest prison in the world with the heaviest deployment of Indian occupation forces.

She said its first time that Indian government illegally banned on travel and they wiped out our all hurriyet leadership, kidnapping young girls and we have no access to our relatives.

Mishal said Hitler Modi government has completely occupied Kashmir valley but unfortunately International community and UN not taking it seriously. She said Modi has projected the false picture of Kashmir to the world but it cannot be sustained for long time.

The brave people of Kashmir have been rendering matchless sacrifices from decades, she said, adding, despite all the force and power, the people of Kashmir will never compromise on Kashmir cause.
Pakistan is always committed to support legal struggle of people of Kashmir morally, diplomatically and politically.

She further hoped that India government cannot hoodwink the International community for long time.
The world has now started taking notice of Indian brutalities, she said, adding, it is a diplomatic victory of Pakistan that world is now sensitized regarding Kashmir issue.

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