Khalil-Allah’s Memoir Writing: Jawariya Batool


Remembering Khalilullah !!!
Writing: Jawariya Batol

The moon of Zil-Hajj is about to rise and it is a sacred month in which greatness, virtue and the importance of the deeds performed in it are very high.

Asking for forgiveness, Praise and praise, Financial sacrifice, Promise to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah, Hajj Baitullah, and Fasting on the day of ‘Arafah. About which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Disbelieve in the past and the rest (Sahih Muslim). That is, “It is the expiation for the sins of the past and the coming year… !!!”

But this month and its ten days of worship are so beloved and better in the sight of Allah Almighty than any other deed that even one who fights in the way of Allah cannot attain this virtue.

But the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: He who goes out with his wealth and life and does not return, then he deserves a lot of virtues. Because these are the days full of virtues in which all acts of worship, prayers, fasting, Hajj, financial sacrifices, glorifications and takbeers are gathered… !!!!

This month also reminds us of the sacrifice of the desires of the soul, of Abraham (peace be upon him) who promised to sacrifice everything for the sake of Allah.

Abraham (peace be upon him) about whom Allaah said: And so was Abraham before Rushdah.{AL-ANABIYA}

“And certainly We gave Abraham understanding before this.”

He was accustomed to contemplation as a boy. Those who preach the Oneness of the Lord. Those who ask their fathers and their people, “Do these idols, which you worship, have any benefit or harm to you?” They would say, “This is how we found our fathers.” Then Abraham would cry out that you and your fathers are all misguided… !!! Allah Almighty liked these deeds of Abraham so much that he went to test Abraham.

And the one and only servant of the Lord and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) continues to meet all these tests until he appears to have the position of Imam al-Naas and Khalil Allaah.

In his youth he used to smash the carved idols of the nation with an axe. The idol-breaker would ask them, “What is the matter with you that you do not eat?” Why don’t you even speak? Then Ibrahim makes the nation unresponsive with his same deeds, and they are forced to look down and think that it is really right, but to accept it was a big blow to Ego… !!!

Abraham who goes through a series of trials after being blessed with children in his old age. He even dreams of slaughtering his beloved son Ismael. The Abraham whose trials were mentioned by Allah Almighty Himself said: When his Lord tried Abraham in many ways and he fulfilled them all, Allah said: I will make you a leader of the people.{AL-BAQRA}

The journey from leaving the newborn with his wife alone in a barren valley far away from him and now slaughtering Ismael (as) was cut short by Ibrahim (as) with great patience, perseverance and courage.
Now, after fulfilling this test as well, Allah Almighty declared it a great test and on fulfilling it, he blessed Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and sent down a ram in the ransom of Ismael (peace be upon him).

Just think that the rush of people rushing towards the house of antiquity, the house of light and mercy, is the fruit of whose prayer? Scenes from the memory of Abraham, who raised the foundations of the Ka’bah, and Abraham, who prayed to God for its people.

وذ يرفع القواعد من البيت

“And when they were laying the foundations of this house;
And take the place of Ibrahim Musalli
And make the place of Ibrahim a place of prayer.
The cycle of Safa and Marwa is associated with the memory of which great family?

ان الصفا والمروۃ من شعائر اللّٰہ
Whose ransom was this animal sacrifice?
The whole family was a clear sign of patience and perseverance, determination, endurance and faith and action. Promising to lay down everything on the oneness and pleasure of the Lord, the flow continued towards the destination that the matter was settled. Abraham, who at the beginning gave a clear answer to the people:

انی ذاھبٌ الی ربی سیھدین¤
“I am going to emigrate to my Lord, He will surely guide me”. And then until the Day of Resurrection, the crown of leadership and leadership was adorned. The true followers of the nation of Abraham are called the Beloved of the Lord. From the flower of fire to eternity, peace be upon you, peace be upon you. Peace be upon Abraham. Thus do We reward the doers of good. Indeed, they were of Our believing servants. {AL-SIFAT}

May Allah Almighty grant us the ability to perform the acts of worship in the best way in these days and to make the special memories related to Ibrahim (as) our faith and deeds.
Today we seem to be wandering far from the destination and far from the purpose of life;
What are the paths to be taken to attain the position of Imamate? Sira-e-Ibrahim is its best guide… !!!

This era is in search of its brahmin; Sanam Kadha is where, La ilaha illa Allah, This wealth, this world this connection, Explain delusions, there is no god but Allah… !!!

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Muslim Ummah and “What First”? by Bilal Shaukat Azad

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