KSA’s name gets dropped from Israel’s virus quarantine list


Lahore, 24th November: Israel drops Saudi Arabia from the list of virus quarantine countries, a day after Netanyahu’s reported visit.

Baaghi TV: According to reports from AFP, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s reported trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel’s health ministry added the kingdom to its list of coronavirus “green” countries, exempting returning travellers from quarantine.

On Tuesday, the health ministry confirmed that Saudi Arabia had been added to the safe list a day earlier, but dismissed any link to Netanyahu’s reported visit to the Red Sea city of Neom on Sunday.

“The process is very straightforward, and it happens once every two weeks,” health ministry director-general Hezi Levi told public broadcaster Kan on Tuesday morning.

“On the previous list, Saudi Arabia was red,” he said. “The morbidity rates decreased. It’s now green. “It has nothing to do with anyone’s visit to any country.”

Israeli media reported that Netanyahu travelled to Neom for landmark talks with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, which has no official diplomatic ties with the Jewish state.

An Israeli government source contacted by AFP confirmed the talks. However, Riyadh firmly denied on Monday, with the kingdom publicly saying it will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel until the Palestinian conflict is resolved.

According to unconfirmed speculation, Saudi Arabia might be seeking to become the latest Arab state to normalise ties with Israel.

Stay connected to Baaghi TV to read further updates in this story!

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