Launching ceremony of ‘Film Production Course’ under PNCA on October 3


ISLAMABAD, Oct 2 (APP):Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) will be holding launching ceremony of one year ‘Film Production Course’ here on October 3.

Federal Minister for Education, National Heritage and Culture Shafqat Mehmood will be the chief guest, an official told APP. He said that the course would offer a foundation for understanding cinema and its relation to culture, history, technology and aesthetics-Film Studies. He said that classes would start from October 5 added that the course will be completed in two semesters.

The best local and international faculty will be teaching everything you need in your capacity to become a Professional Film Maker, he said. Sarmad Khoosat, a well known Pakistani Director and Andre F Nebe German director would teach the direction. Peter Bussian American Cinematographer would teach the Cinematography.

Lisa Locus American script writer and Saim Saddique will teach the techniques of script writing, he informed.

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