Lawlessness in Lahore: Police, Dolphin side with the influential

Lawlessness-in-Lahore-Police,-Dolphin-side-with-the-influential #Baaghi

Lahore, 12th August: Last night a sad incident took place with a resident of Lahore’s Model Town area highlighting that there is no respect for law and order in a society! 

According to details, the incident took place Wednesday night to Waseem Khan, a 62-year-old resident of Model Town’s B-Block area in Lahore.

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His daughter reported the details to Baaghi TV and according to her their neighbor Mohammad Imran Khan resident of House 74-B, Model Town, Lahore came to their house and attacked her father around 9:30 pm on August 11.

Criminal Muhammad Imran Khan

The woman informed us that the incident started when Muhammad Imran along with 8-9 men climbed their wall and started cutting a tree at their residence without their consent.

She says, “My father tried to convince them to stop, which made Imran angry, and he started threatening and verbally abusing us!”

“We called the police and the Dolphin Squad, who showed up but did not intervene at all! Despite seeing them abuse us, they simply left without any help!” she added.

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According to reports gathered, Khan, their neighbor, became out of control, and as soon as the Dolphin Police left, he and his men came to Waseem Khan’s gate, dragged him and starting beating him with axes.

In the meantime, Imran, the abuser kept ordering his men to KILL Waseem, however, they beat him until he lost consciousness.

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It is reported that all this time, Waseem’s family repeatedly called the police, the Dolphin Squad and Model Town security but no one came for their safety and rescue.

The victim was immediately taken to a nearby medical center for his treatment.

Model Town Victim Waseem Khan


Attached is the PDF of his medical report:

[embeddoc url=””]

The victim’s family has alleged that the police still haven’t registered any FIR or started any investigation yet in the case.

Meanwhile, the family also claimed to have all the CCTV camera footage with proof as the whole ordeal lasted 2-3 hours.

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Watch the CCTV footage taken from their residence:

It is also known to everyone in the neighborhood that Muhammad Imran Khan has a strong connection with the Punjab Government, so he was fearless in his actions. This is also why no one is helping the victim’s family.

Meanwhile, Waseem Khan and his family have appealed to Prime Minister Imran Khan to help them in this difficult time and provide them with justice as the culprit Imran is still giving them life threats.

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Waseem Khan appeals to the government in the video below to provide him with justice:

The grieved family needs safety from this man who thinks he is above the law!

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