LGS Sexual Harassment: Punjab govt vows to make example of perpetrators


Lahore, 2nd July: After a great upheaval of the sexual harassment case at the Lahore Grammar School for the past few days, the director of the private institutes in Lahore, Miss Nighat Ali said that the four male teachers along with the principal, and administrator have also been suspended.

Baaghi TV has been following the whole case since the beginning and efficiently reporting on the complaints made by the affected girls. Now an inquiry committee has been set up to probe further into the matter.

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“The school has full authority to take legal action against the culprits and if the charges against them are proven, action will be taken against them,” Ali said.

Punjab government has vowed to make an example out of perpetrators for the others.

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Musarrat Cheema, the spokesperson of the provincial government said on Wednesday that the Punjab government has taken serious action against the harassment case reported by the students of Lahore Grammar School and will carry out exemplary punishments to the accused.

Cheema said that as soon as the girls spoke up, the school administration took action, and then the Punjab Education Minister and the Chief Minister also took notice of the incident.

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However, she emphasized that the government will come to know about such incidents only when they are reported, as Punjab has a population of 110 million hence it is impossible for the provincial government to know about every harassment incident.

“I to appeal all children that god forbid if you go through something like this then you need to point it out as currently there are a lot of harassment laws under which the culprits can be punished,” Cheema said. She added that whatever decision the committee takes will be shared with the nation.

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According to Musarrat Cheema, suspension of those found guilty is not enough and that they will be punished strictly.

“Yes, these culprits will not only have to let go of their jobs but they will also be punished according to the circumstances,” assured Cheema.

When asked about what the government plans to do in cases where students cannot speak up, Cheema stated that it was the “responsibility of the parents to educate their kids”.

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“If their kids go through such an incident, they should inform the administration and also tell the government so that we can remove those evil humans, who are in the form of teachers,” said the spokesperson.

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According to the government’s spokesperson, it is also the responsibility of the school administration who are charging exorbitant fees from the parents, to check what type of teachers they are hiring.

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It may be noted that the female students from the LGS 1-A1 branch have stepped forward and spoken against four of their male teachers who have been sexually harassing the girls for long. It is a very brave stance that the girls took against the teachers and the school administration who had refused to help them.

It is our duty to provide justice to the suffering girls and make sure that no such incidences occur in the future.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates in this story!

LGS Sexual Harassment: Investigative Committee to be formed


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