Meshal Malik addressed a gathering at a function in Islamabad Model School


8 February 2021: Mashaal Hussain Malik addressing a function at Islamabad Model School in Islamabad, said, “The movement in occupied Kashmir is now in the hands of the youth. The role of youth in movements is very important, Mashaal Malik I was very happy to see the enthusiasm of the students, For myself, there was a passion within me to do something even in school and college days.”

“In occupied Kashmir, the unarmed Kashmiri nation is fighting with 900,000 troops. The Indian Army has been wreaking havoc in occupied Kashmir for seventy years, “Mashaal Malik said. “The sacrifices of Kashmiris for the independence movement will not go in vain.”

She said, “There are scars on every part of Yasin Malik’s body, the Kashmiris are making history. Young people are running freedom movement in Kashmir, Kashmiri students are fighting Indian barbarism, In Kashmir, the Indian Army is darkening the future of the youth. Kashmir is Pakistan’s defense line. ”

She further added, “The water coming from Kashmir irrigates Pakistan If the Kashmiris’ movement is suppressed, blood will come instead of water in Pakistan. The main artery cut by the repeal of Article 370K. India wants to push Pakistan, including Kashmir, into darkness. Pellets are not used even on animals in the world. The Indian Army is treating Kashmiris worse than animals.”

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