Misuse of Ordinance at the cost of aviation industry, Press Release

DG CAA's appointment challenged in IHC

PRESS RELEASE (9th Nov, 2020): It was published in some print and electronic media that Aviation Division couldn’t find a suitable candidate for the appointment as DG CAA. It is very disgusting that a country whose Aviation minister says that they issue fake licenses is so incompetent that out of 599 candidates no one qualifies for the top slot in aviation. What kind of signal are we sending to the world? That we are not capable of producing such professionals.

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The interview board consisted of Aviation Minister, we all know his qualification, than it was the 04 government officers of either BPS 21 or 22, none had a single day experience of regulatory affairs of Aviation Industry. Composition of selection board was Aviation Secretary with zero aviation experience, Member Customs with Zero Aviation experience, Member FBR with Zero Aviation experience and Member PIA Board (a businessman, if he was that competent in aviation PIA wouldn’t have been in such state of affairs and it was conflict of interest as well).

That selection board was incompetent and a few of them had their own motives as one of them wanted to retain the position of DG CAA which he did.

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It is the manipulation of Aviation Ministry to keep the lucrative CAA under its garb as there is a lot of money which is in the kitty of CAA which it makes around the year and this time it’s more as a new legislation will first time have this money which is in billions to go to government’s kitty by the end of this financial year and some useless contracts of billions need to be quickly awarded to favorites to exhaust it.

Being an affected in Aviation Business and a candidate I filed a Constitutional Misc application No 3476/2020 on 03 Nov 2020 as an intervenor in W.P 2040/2020.

Chief Justice Mr. Athar Minallah remarked that the fundamental rights of whole nation are being affected and that practically CAA, a very important regulatory is DYSFUNCTIONAL.

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It seems that government is not bothered about it and just looks at Pakistan from the eyes of its bureaucrats, please immediately appoint technocrats in Aviation Division and an Advisor to PM who knows about the Aviation Industry as it is already on the verge of an irrecoverable collapse.

We have prepared a Writ Petition against such malpractices, abrogation of fundamental rights and against the vested interest of a few and Wg Cdr rtd Asim Nawaz, LLM, Advocate High Court will file it in Islamabad High Court in a couple of days which will be made public as we will not allow anyone to play with the National Interest.

Dysfunctional CAA will lead to more Air Crashes

It has also been published in some media that a new Ordinance is being promulgated for bifurcation of CAA into regulatory and commercial and that Secretary Aviation will be appointed as DG CAA for another three months. This is highly contemptable, as a cover of Ordinance is being sought against the courts so that the courts may not be able to protect the fundamental rights of the Citizens. And an honest PM is being manipulated against the judiciary and against the fundamental rights of the people of Pakistan by the Secretary Aviation and Principle Secretary. The misuse of Ordinance at the cost of aviation industry to seek a cover against the court action for appointment of DG CAA and bifurcation of CAA once the regulatory is dysfunctional and is highly deplorable and deserve a Suo moto action by the honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan.

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Note. I am a regular contributor on Baaghi TV website and my previous articles on Aviation and National and International Politics can be found on the link:

No denial for my previous articles has been issued by the govt.

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