Modi govt can do anything for political purposes: Qureshi


Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi while referring on Tuesday to the Pulwama attack, that India created to achieve political goals, said there was an irresponsible government in Delhi that could do anything for political purposes.

He added that Pakistan has continuously been exposing India’s true face.

“In the November 14 dossier, we presented to the world irrefutable evidence of India’s support for terrorists,” the foreign minister said, adding that an investigation by the EU DisinfoLab has confirmed Pakistan’s concerns about India’s false propaganda campaign to discredit Pakistan globally.

He further stated that the international community has a responsibility to hold India accountable for the lack of peace in the region.

“The world has come to know that India, which they considered a secular state, is ruled by a fascist, Hindutva government,” he added.

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