Motorway Sexual Abuse: Rape considered a joke, FIA remains absent


Rape culture is characterized as stereotyped, deceptions about rape that justify sexual animosity and trivialize the reality of sexual violence. Rape culture negatively affects survivors, filling in as a quieting capacity for the individuals who wish to share their narrative. However, it mortifies me to see that, around the world, females are casualties of domestic abuse, torture, and rape. Pakistan is the one of those nations which gives minimal security to females. In Pakistan, a gigantic measure of women succumb to rape.

Not only women, boys, transgenders and even animals succumb into rape. If not these matters are made fun off on the internet. Recently, pictures of a closed group on Facebook under the name of ” Lumber one dark posting” were circulating on internet. These pictures were actually Meme’s on rape. These Meme’s were not only about women but these included boys, transgenders and even animals.

These pictures were removed from the internet and the group was reported by thousands of people. However by deleting the pictures wont actually solve the problem, the authorities need come a step forward. FIA should take notice of such posts and make sure that the people behind these posts are dealt with severely so that no one even thinks about making a joke about something as serious as rape.

On Saturday, horrifying motorway rape case has outraged and shaken the people of Pakistan to the core. A stranded woman was gang raped in front of her children at gunpoint was a disgraceful incident that had scared and shamed the nation. People still created memes on this issue. Rape is not a joke, this heinous act leaves a lifetime affect on their personalities that the victim would never even accept themselves. Still the youth finds it funny and made Memes on it. FIA remains absent in spaces where it needs to be? Especially in cases when the youth talks to social media to voice their concerns related to ongoing issues

We Pakistanis need to educate our youth by some way or another,  so that such sensitive content should not hurt the sentiments of people . As this is important because the emotional turmoil this negligence by FIA and the regulating bodies can cause to the victims and families of the victims if they come across images with such crass content. This never helps the victim in healing rather it degrades them rather than bringing any amelioration.

Baaghi TV urges the government to deal with such sensitive content with diligence to ensure that safety towards the sentiments of all Pakistani citizens can be ensured.




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