Muslims of India take decision to combat spread of COVID-19

Muslims of India reportedly make a great decision to combat the spread of the novel, Coronavirus, identified as COVID-19.

According to a report of Baaghi TV, Coronavirus which has gained speed in India, has led to the rise in deaths and positive patients in India. The number of corona patients in India has reached close to 60,000 while the number of deaths has reached 2,000.

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Reportedly, more than 17,000 corona patients have recovered from corona in India.

Muslims have been criticized for spreading the novel in India, thereby, they have been tortured in many places, mosques have been desecrated but Indian Muslims are continuously working to stop the spread of the virus. In the Indian state of Kolkata, Muslims have offered to make mosques quarantine centers.

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The mosque and Darul Uloom Deoband at Azam Campus in Pune, Maharashtra, had also offered to make the Darul Quran a quarantine center. Now the Ghousia Mosque in Calcutta has been offered as a quarantine center, according to reports.

Maulana Qari Mohammad Muslim Raju, Imam of Jamia Masjid Ghousia, said that after consultation with the mosque administration and local people, we have offered to make a part of the mosque a quarantine center. What could be happier if the house of God is used to protect human lives?

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“The locals have also agreed and we have told the Calcutta Corporation that they can make the mosque a quarantine center. Let’s see what they decide,” he said.

Mosques are closed in India due to lockdown, only a few people can pray in the mosque, including the imam, muezzin and servant of the mosque, ordinary citizens are not allowed to pray in mosques.

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Darul Uloom Deoband, the largest Muslim seminary in India, has offered the government that its building could be used as an isolation center. In this regard, Mufti of Darul Uloom Deoband Abul Qasim Nomani has written a letter to the government I suggest that if the government wants, it can set up an isolation center for corona patients in our building.

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The superintendent of Darul Uloom Deoband has written a letter to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and said that the Darul Uloom building on GT Road of Darul Uloom could be used as an isolation ward.

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