The incident of the Companions of the Cave is a lesson for the youth: Allama Mousavi

Lahore: Do not create chaos in the land, be in the company of good people, the incident of the Companions of the Cave is a lesson for the youth, discussed Allama Haqqani, Allama Mousavi in Baaghi TV’s ramadan transmission, Rehmat Hee Rehmat, powered by Q-Mobile. 

Embrace compassion and the conduct of the Prophet in your life: Rehmat Hee Rehmat

Hazrat Khadija Al-Kabra’s life is a beacon for all: Rehmat Hee Rehmat

According to reports, the first verse of Surah Bani Isra’il explicitly mentions the first destination of the miraculous ascension of the Holy Prophet (SAW) from the Sacred Mosque, Masjid-e-Haraam, to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is the most amazing and mind-boggling event in the history of Prophecy, the history of angels, and the history of humanity, which is evidence enough for the believers.

Islam respects women in every relationship: Rehmat Hee Rehmat

The children of Israel were foretold that you would make mischief in the land twice. So, once Hazrat Shoaib (AS) was persecuted, then Bakht Nasr was imposed on them. The second time Hazrat Zakariya and Yahya (AS) were martyred, so the king of Babylon came to rule over them.

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Islamic etiquette and morals:
  • Worship none but Allah. Do not associate anyone with Allah.
  • Do good to your parents.
  • Give the relatives, the poor and the travelers their due.
  • Don’t waste money. Do not be stingy, do not keep your hands wide enough to regret tomorrow.
  • Do not kill your children for fear of poverty.
  • Do not kill any living thing unjustly.
  • Do not misappropriate the property of orphans.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Measure the scales properly.
  • Don’t go after something that isn’t researched.
  • Do not walk proudly on the earth.

Rehmat Hee Rehmat: Patience and Perseverance should be adopted in difficult times

Rehmat Hi Rehmat Iftar transmission discussion about ‘Favorite virtue of Rahmatullah’.

There were a few young believers who were forced into idolatry by king Dacianus. He would kill anyone who did not accept his invitation. On the one hand, these young people were given incentives such as amassing wealth, appointments to high positions and raising the standards of their living, and on the other hand, they were intimidated and threatened with death.

Rehmat Hee Rehmat: A guide to succeed in both the Worlds

These young men prioritized the protection of faith first and chose foremost to save it. As they walked, they reached a mountain cave far away from the city. On the way, a dog joined them. They intended to take refuge in this cave. When they entered the cave, Allah put them to a deep sleep. Here they slept for three hundred and nine years, when they woke up they were worried about food, so one of them came to the city to buy food, where he was recognized.

Rehmat Hee Rehmat: Reward of Patience is Heaven

Things had changed in three centuries as they slept in the cave. The government of polytheists had long come to an end, and now the monotheists were in power. These young men who had left home for the sake of faith became national heroes in his eyes. The second story of Prophet Moses and Khidr (peace be upon him): It will be mentioned at the beginning of the next verse.

Rehmat Hee Rehmat: Repentance and piety are the key to success in religion

Two examples have been mentioned. The first example is that: There were two people, one had gardens and the other was poor. The garden owner was arrogant, and walked with pride so, the poor man told him not to show arrogance, and to say ‘Masha Allah’, but the garden owner did not believe and Allah’s punishment came for him so his gardens were burnt and he was ashamed. The second example is that: Worldly life is like water raining down from the sky, that makes the earth become green, after a while everything dries up and gets crumbled.

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The greatness of the Holy Qur’an, the purpose of its revelation, its miracle(s), the honoring of Allah by man, the bestowal of blessings on him like soul and life, the command of Tahajjud prayer to the Prophet (SAW), the story of the Pharaoh, the wisdom of the revelation of the Holy Qur’an little by little, validation that Allah Almighty has no partner and is pure from having children, Allah is characterized with beautiful names.

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Rehmat Hee Rehmat: Giving charity during Ramadan increases your reward

Allama Syed Hasnain Mousavi, while explaining the main topics of the fifteenth para, said that there are two parts in this:

  • Complete Surah Bani Isra’il
  • Most of Surah Al-Kahf

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In Surah Bani Israel there are four things: The Tribulation and Riots of Islamic Ethics and Morals, Other Articles, The Ascension Event of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was taken from the Sacred Mosque to the Al-Aqsa Mosque at night and then to the heavens from there. The Tribulation of the Children of Israel, who were foretold that they would cause mischief in the land twice.

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Benefits of Dua on the Iftar Transmission ‘Rehmat Hee Rehmat’

Rehmat Hee Rehmat: The benefits of Dua (Part 2)

Allama Mousavi went to to reiterate the event of the young boys who fled from the polytheist rule of king Dacianus, as well as the etiquette and morals of the Holy Qur’an, and the significant points of the fifteenth para which is divided into two parts by Surah Bani Isra’il and Surah Al-Kahf. Allama Mousavi also discussed the example of the worldly life.

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Allah Almighty revealed the Holy Quran and Allah is protecting it: Allama Haqqani, Allama Mousavi

Ijtihad is more needed in modern times: Allama Haqqani, Allama Mousavi

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