NCOC directs to spearhead stringent enforcement of SOPs as COVID surges


ISLAMABAD, Oct 31 (APP):The National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) on Saturday directed the quarters concerned to spearhead stringent enforcement of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and mass mobilization adherence to safety guidelines amid surge in Coronavirus cases and positivity across the country.

The NCOC meeting took a detailed review of epidemic curve chart data, prevailing positivity ratio of COVID-19, micro and smart lockdown imposed, contact tracing and implementation of SOPs.

The Forum was informed that the positivity ratio of Coronavirus cases was surging for the past three weeks whereas all other indicators were showing a rising trend.

The Forum was briefed that no complacency in adherence to SOPs particularly mask wearing and social distancing could be allowed as it might escalate the contagion.

Keeping in view, the Forum had directed all the authorities concerned to beef up enforcement measures and ensure strict compliance of safety and health guidelines. However, effective media campaign for education and awareness of masses would be revived with messages emphasizing strict compliance of SOPs by masses outdoors.

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