New Spokesperson of Punjab Gets Appointed After Firdous Ashiq Awan

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Lahore, 13th August: Provincial Minister Fayaz-ul-Hassan Chohan has been appointed as the spokesman of the Punjab government after Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan resigned from her post last week.

According to details from ARY News, Chief Minister Usman Buzdar issued a notification in this regard and appointed Fayaz-ul-Hassan Chohan as the new spokesman of the Punjab government on Friday.

After the resignation of Firdous Ashiq Awan, Fayaz-ul-Hassan Chohan will take responsibilities as the Special Assistant to the Chief Minister (SACM) in Punjab, while, he will also hold the portfolio of provincial minister for Prisons.

Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan barred from entering Punjab Assembly

On being appointed as the spokesperson of the Punjab government, Chohan said that he would fulfill the responsibility assigned to him. He added that the Chief Minister of Punjab has once again trusted me.

“I will highlight the development works of Punjab. The opposition will also be given a full answer. I will expose the conspiracies of the opposition against the government,” he added.

Fayyaz-ul-Hassan Chohan to get two ministries

It may be noted that previously, Fayaz-ul-Hassan Chohan was appointed as the provincial information minister of Punjab.

Earlier, on August 6, Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan resigned from her post as CM Punjab’s aide, less than a year after being appointed to the position, citing “unavoidable personal grounds”.

Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan resigns as CM Punjab’s aide

Sources have informed that in the coming days, DR. Firdous Ashiq Awan may get a new responsibility in the federal government. Baaghi TV reported last week that sources have also informed it is likely Dr. Awan will be appointed as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister in the Federal Government.


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