Opposition United to Protect Personal Interests: Murad Saeed


SWAT, Nov 06 (APP): Federal Minister for Communication, Murad Saeed said here Friday, that the opposition, after looting the national economy, is united again just to protect their personal interests.

Addressing a mammoth public gathering here at Mingora Grassy Ground, the Minister said that a new era of progress and prosperity has started and elements that looted the national resources for personal gain have come out again with catchy slogans, but people are well aware of the opposition’s tactics and can keep a distance from the politics of negativity. He said the public knows who plundered the national resources and taxpayers’ money and purchased luxury apartments in London.

Murad Saeed said the ill designs of opposition parties during the FATF legislation exposed them before the masses. He said the PTI Government has adopted zero tolerance against corruption and no NRO would be given to corrupt elements. Murad Saeed said that the opposition has no concerns with the problems of the masses and wants to destabilise the country and weaken democracy through direct attacks on state institutions, which is unacceptable in a democratic society.

He said Malakand Division is a strong fort of PTI and would again emerge victorious in the upcoming elections and would form government after the 2023 general elections in all provinces of Pakistan. The Minister said the people of KPK have unshakable trust in the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan as he is the only leader who can take the country out of the existing challenges and address people’s problems. The Minister said the Swat expressway is a gift of the PTI Government for the people of KPK, especially for Malakand Division, that has brought positive changes in their lives, besides promoting tourism and boosting the economy.

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