Our government is active in providing maximum employment opportunities to the youth : Dr. Firdous


Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan said that every citizen of this country wants to live with dignity.

Skill is the basic thing that guides the youth to live with dignity. But skilled people need the help of the government. Our government is active in providing maximum employment opportunities to the youth, especially we have to empower rural women.

He said that the PTI government has launched several projects including a successful youth program, realizing the same vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan. Today, the Prime Minister has also announced to extend the scope of the Successful Youth Program.

She said that the fraternity in collaboration with the Punjab government has provided Rs 86 billion to various needy people. The recovery rate of this debt in the skilled class is more than 99%. The government has decided to support educated people together with the fraternity, which will help in tackling the challenge of unemployment.

He said that the fraternity has so far supported 86,000 people and this is the real change. He said that always governmental and non-governmental initiatives together lead to development in the society. 51% of the borrowers from 631 fraternity centers. Male while 49% are female. Chief Minister Punjab has decided to increase the funds of Akhuwat Foundation.

Responding to a question, Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan said that the fact that Shahbaz Sharif was granted bail did not mean that the case had been dismissed. This party has always rejoiced over the guarantees. Shahbaz Sharif has taken advantage of his 70 years of age. In reply to another question, she said that only his family knows what matters have been settled between the two uncles and nephews. But our focus is now on the well-being, development and relief of the people.

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