Pakistan urges US to do more to help end Kashmir standoff


Pakistan called on the Trump administration to do more to help in easing the tensions in the region after the revocation of Article 370 by the Indian administration on Saturday.

According to reports of Baaghitv, Pakistan has called on Trump administration to play its role in easing the tensions in the South Asian region after the unilateral decision of Indian administration to revoke the Article 370 and 35-A of the Indian Constitution, which has stripped the Jammu and Kashmir of its special status.

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States, Asad Majeed in an interview with Bloomberg reporters and editors on Friday urged the United States to play its role in the maintaining peace in the region. He said, “The U.S. could do and the U.S. must do more to help defuse this situation and to perhaps inject some more sanity on the Indian side.”


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