13 members of Indian diplomatic staff leave Pakistan


13 members of the Indian diplomatic mission left Pakistan on Saturday, following the rising tensions between the South Asian neighbors on the unilateral decision of Indian administration to change the status of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to reports of Baaghitv, following the Islamabad decision of down-grading ties with New Delhi, as many as 13 members of the Indian diplomatic staff mission in Islamabad left Pakistan on Saturday and crossed over the Wagah border along with their families.

This development comes after the unilateral decision of India to revoke the Article 370 and Article 35-A of the Indian Constitution which has stripped the special status of Kashmir and made it into their territory.

Pakistan then expelled the high commissioner of India to Islamabad, and suspended the bilateral trade ties with India. Pakistan also halted the train services run between Pakistan and India, Samjhauta Express and Thar express.

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