PDM – Sharifs, Bhuttos, Zardaris, Hawaris


Our problem as a society, and I take the entire subcontinent as one entity, is much bigger and deep rooted then just Panama or Broadsheet or PDM or the shamelessness of a Maryam or a Bilawal and their hanger on leeches! (Apologies for this harsh note.

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Its a problem with our entire social, cultural and work fabric and ethic DNA, going back thousands of years.

We are the only groups of people, in known history, who have never ventured forth from their borders, to capture, invade or conquer or explore new lands!

Despite being one of the richest economies few centuries ago, we are the only people who performed like dogs, monkeys and horses after being horse whipped into shape by the British.

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We are the only people who shamelessly admire and source our “glorious” (shameful, in my opinion) military and landed gentry traditions from the British.

We are the only people who take pride in military awards and military operations fought under the British.

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We are a uniquely shameless society and people who for nearly two centuries waged war on behalf of an invader, an occupier, a colonial master against their own people.

This is the mindset that still prevails amongst large segments of our society who will follow a Sharif, a Bhutto, a Zardari, a Fazlu, an Achakzai, a Mengal, an Asfandyar etc.

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This, dear Pakistanis is our problem.

Till we grow a spine, have pride in ourselves, have self respect, fight for our rights, we will continue to be horsewhipped and exploited by plutocrats and kleptocrats like the Sharifs, Bhuttos, Zardaris and their hawaris.

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[bs-quote quote=”Till we grow a spine, have pride in ourselves, have self respect, fight for our rights, we will continue to be horsewhipped and exploited by plutocrats and kleptocrats.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Haider Mehdi ” author_job=”Analyst & Contributor, Baaghi TV”][/bs-quote]


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