PEL sacked employees stage protest demonstration for restoration


Lahore: Retrenched staff of Pak Elektron Limited (PEL) Wednesday staged a protest demonstration for their restoration to their jobs.

The staff of PEL, Keet village, near Sua Asal blocked the main passage to the factory and chanted slogans against the PEL management.
Over 200 people including the residents of Keet village gathered and protested against the management for the restoration of their jobs.

The Keet Village residents said that they sold their land to the the PEL owners upon the condition that the company would employ 25 percent of the total staff from the village.

“We have sold our lands to the PEL owners in a hope that our youth will be employed in the factory but all the staff is outsiders,” Iftikhar a resident said, adding that the factory has destroyed our drainage system  and all the day long staff buses remain standing blocking the main road leading to the village.
“Despite the fact that we have been facing these  many hardships due the the PEL, we have been denied employment in the factory. Recently, the management has retrenched our people, lodging fake FIRs, in canivance with the local police,” Munsha another resident said.
However, the local police has succeeded in dispersing the protestors on the condition  that the PEL management will negotiate with the residents for the restoration of the sacked employees at the earliest.

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