PM condemns Indian LoC violations; urges UNSC to take notice


ISLAMABAD, Aug 4 (APP):Prime Minister Imran Khan Sunday condemned India’s attack on the innocent civilians across the Line of Control (LoC) and its use of cluster munitions in violation of international humanitarian law.

The prime minister urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to take note of this international threat to peace and security.

In a series of tweets, the prime minister said India was also committing violation of its own commitments under the 1983 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons.

“It is time to end the long night of suffering for the people of Occupied Kashmir. They must be allowed to exercise their right to self determination according to UNSC resolutions. The only road to peace & security in South Asia runs through a peaceful & just settlement of Kashmir,” he further added

The prime minister said that US President Donald Trump had offered to mediate on Kashmir.

“This is the time to do so as situation deteriorates there and along the LOC with new aggressive actions being taken by the Indian occupation forces. This has the potential to blow up into a regional crisis,” he cautioned.

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