PM Wants to Resolve all Problems of People: Sheikh Rasheed

Sheikh Rasheed spokesperson says the minister's health is fine

ISLAMABAD, Mar 19 (APP): Minister for Interior Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed on Friday said Prime Minister Imran Khan had given directives to all ministers to improve their working capability as he (PM) wanted to resolve all problems of the people.

Talking to a private news channel, he said PM Imran Khan was a wise person and he endowed more respect as a mature and intelligent politician of the country. Prime Minister was well aware of all issues and he knew ground realities very well, he added. He said the Pakistan Democratic Movement was an unnatural alliance which was disintegrated. Prime Minister Imran Khan and his government would complete its five years tenure, adding the prime minister was never afraid of the opposition.

Replying to a question, he said the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) were never united earlier and would never be united in future, he said adding that both the parties had done massive corruption during their governments and looted national wealth mercilessly. He said cases of corruption which were registered against both the parties leadership would not be ended as the government would not make any compromise over the matter of accountability of corrupts.

He said doors never be closed in politics and he was in favour of holding dialogues with all political parties. To another query, he said Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar was not acting as a show man like Shahbaz Sharif, adding he had full confidence of PM Imran Khan. The people would witness that performance of the Federal Investigations Agency (FIA) and National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) to be improved in days to come.

He predicted that the opposition would never tender their resignation from the parliament and he was not seeing their long march before the Eid.

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