PM’s move to empower youth lauded


ISLAMABAD, September 19 (ONLINE): Samina Fazil, founder President, Islamabad Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IWCCI) on Saturday lauded the move of the Prime Minister Imran Khan to empower the youth.

Kamyab Jawan Programme’s Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme is a great initiative to empower the youth and women entrepreneurs which will result in rapid national development, she said.

She said that businesswomen should be provided all the facilities and display centres should be opened at district level so that they can become self-sufficient.

Sixty two million youth deserve special attention as they are our future and the government move in that direction is praiseworthy.

President IWCCI Farida Rashid and others said that majority of women are linked to services sector which have faced heavy losses due to coronavirus-linked lockdown.

Now, economy is getting better and government can consider helping them so that their businesses can survive, they demanded.

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