Incumbent govt paying only lip service, doing nothing for liberation of Kashmir: Senator Siraj ul Haq

Pandora Papers: JI Chief demands immediate resignation of ministers

MUZAFFARABAD/ISLAMABAD, Sep 19 (Online): JI Amir Siraj ul Haq has said the incumbent government is paying only lip service and  doing nothing for Kashmir cause.

“ the government is doing nothing except paying lip service for the independence of Kashmir. Damage has been caused to Kashmir cause at international level during the present government. Those sitting at helm of affairs in Islamabad should keep in mind those who betray with Kashmir cause cannot stay saddled on the chairs. Had government organized an aggressive diplomatic drive against Modi steps, Modi  would have stood in the dock at present”, he said this while talking to AJK  JI delegation which called on him here Saturday under AJK JI Acting Amir Noor ul Bari.

The delegation apprised Siraj ul Haq of the current situation in Occupied Kashmir besides making consultation with him in regard to Gilgit-Baltistan elections.

Siraj ul Haq said Jihad is the only way which leads to the independence of Kashmir.

The occupational Indian forces have turned the cities into ruins  and increased the number of graveyards due to massacre and genocide of Kashmiris in Occupied Kashmir.  The children, elderly persons and women are being martyred mercilessly.  Despite it the Kashmiris are firm in their resolve for freedom of Kashmir. People of Kashmir will accept no other solution except the independence of Kashmir.

He held UN has failed in implementing its resolutions and giving their right to self determination to Kashmiris.

He underlined people of Pakistan are with oppressed  Kashmiris and will continue to stand with them till the freedom of Kashmir.

He pointed out India has issued domicile to 12  lac Hindus. Modi government has also announced if any Hindu from any Indian state wants to settle in Occupied Kashmir, Indian government will provide him all facilities. Land will be allotted to them  and homes will be constructed at government expenses and provided to them.

He cautioned the occupation of Kashmir by India poses serious threat to Pakistan water resources. Pakistani rivers will turn dry and land arid. India will not desist from launching water aggression against Pakistan. But our rulers are living under some delusion still.

We will side with Kashmiris till the last breath of our life and till the independence of Kashmir. . Kashmir is matter of life and death for Pakistan, he added.

The way world helped on moral, political and military level to expel Russia from Afghanistan, the world should also extend help to Kashmiris in their struggle for expelling Indian forces from Kashmir, he remarked.

People of Pakistan  will never disappoint Kashmiris, he reiterated.

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