Police foil attempt of terrorism in Rajanpur.


Police and security forces foiled attempt of terrorism on Thursday in Rajanpur district of Punjab.

According to reports of Baaghitv, police and security forces foiled attempt of terrorism in Rajanpur district. Terrorists have placed explosives on railway track in Umer Kot vicinity of Rajanpur.

Bomb disposal squad reached the spot on the call of police and inactive the detonators and explosives placed on the railway track. According to Ghulam Abbas, chief in charge of Bomb Disposal Squad, 5 kg heavy explosives were placed on the track.

Khushhal Khan Khattak Express was due to pass through the railway track but was stopped in Dera Gazi Khan on the news of terror explosives placed on track. Khushhal Khan Khattak Express is railway train that run from Peshawar to Karachi.

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