President Thanks Turgay Evren for His New Song on Kashmir


ISLAMABAD, Dec 2 (APP): President Dr Arif Alvi Wednesday thanked Turkish song writer Turgay Evren for his new song on ‘Kashmir and Palestine’ highlighting the plight of the Kashmiri people in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The President tweeted: “Thank you Turgay Evren for the new song on ‘Kashmir’ and ‘Palestine’. A story of proud people under illegal occupation and under brutal oppression. How long can the world choose to ignore them?”

Turgay Evren, a famed Turkish author, songwriter and composer, on his twitter account posted a 2.05 minutes mix song of Turkish, Arabic and Urdu languages, highlighting the latest situation in IIOJK and Palestine. The melodious voices of Malek Nur and Natasha Baig depicted pains and sufferings of Kashmiri and Palestinian people under the illegal foreign occupation forces.

“We hope you will like our song, “We Will Never Betray”, which tells the suffering of both Palestine and Kashmir in 3 languages!,” Turgay Evren on his twitter handle posted.

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