President underlines need to emulate lessons from Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Seerah

President urges Muslim world leaders’ joint call against blasphemy

LAHORE, Nov 16 (APP):President Dr Arif Alvi on Monday said by following the principles and teachings from the Seerah of Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), the Muslims could overcome all the contemporary issues.

Addressing Rehmatulil Almaeen (Holy Prophet – Peace Be Upon Him) conference here, the president urged the nation to concentrate upon seeking knowledge and discipline itself in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

The Muslims had immense affection with the personality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as different aspects of his Seerah always influenced the humankind, he added.

Those golden pieces of advice and their practical manifestations were the guiding force for the whole humanity, he said while narrating various aspects from the life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).

The president said Allah’s messages were conveyed through prophets which had influenced hearts.

He said from the life of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the valuable lessons regarding water usage, tree plantation, hygiene, virtue of forgiveness and women’s rights etc; should be fully emulated.

He observed that the most communicable diseases could be controlled with regular habit of ablution whereas about the women’s property rights, Islam had laid down clear principles many centuries back.

By following the Quranic teachings, the president said certain health related issues like stunting and malnutrition could also be overcome and urged the Ulema to play their role in that regard by widely conveying such messages to the public.

The president said the principles of Riasat-e-Madina were based upon complete justice and caring for the downtrodden segments of society.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) supported the helpless people and lifted their conditions, he added.

He stressed that the society must always make endeavours to cultivate a culture of justice.

He said the politicians must also struggle for the welfare of the nation.

Referring to Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s visits to the Western countries, he said Iqbal witnessed the progress and development of the West, the industrial revolution and renaissance, whereas in contrast the Muslims of Sub-continent in those times were facing decline in all fields of life.

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