Prince Harry is seeking an apology from Royal Family


After a controversial Interview of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle with Oprah, their life has taken a new turn.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced their exit from Royal family because they weren’t treated as royals. They disclosed every detail in the Interview which caused Havoc in the Royal family. Meghan claimed to have been facing unfair treatment while she was in UK.

In response, Buckingham palace revealed their statement which said that proper inquiry will take place to the allegations by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They said that they will take it very seriously and address the family privately.

To this day, Prince Harry is waiting for a further response from the Royal family. He wants them to apologize to his wife, Meghan Markle for the way she was treated by them.

A source says that Prince Harry wont stop untill he gets an apology while a royal insider mentioned that Harry should move on now.




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