Principal of SHCS Lahore passes away at the age of 92


LAHORE: Principal of a semi-private missionary school Sacred Heart Convent School, Sister Martin passed away at the age of 92 on March 13, 2022, in Lahore. 

Sister Martin, a British nun was admitted to Hamid Latif hospital since the past few days, battling brain haemorrhage. On March 13, Sister Martin breathed her last, no longer being able to fight her deteriorating health.

She had been educating Pakistani girls for over five decades and her unsung devotion to empowering young girls was also knighted by the Kingdom of Belgium in 2014.

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She served in Europe for about six years when she received a call from Asia; she was needed in Pakistan. On January 5, 1958, she landed in Lahore and took her first step to set the foundation of the Sacred Heart Convent School. In 1992, Sister Martin took the responsibility of performing her duties as the principal of the Convent.

Her first assignment was to teach English to Grade 4 students. In an interview, Sister Martin recalled that the great famine of India at the end of the 19th century indirectly paved the way for the establishment of the missionary school. It is said that as many as five Belgian nuns flew down to Lahore in the October of 1887, in response to the call of Roman Catholic Church, in order to serve the famine-hit people of the subcontinent. The goal of these nuns was to cater to the needs of the orphans. The orphanage later developed into a school.

It also to be noted that the 113 year old school has educated people of different religions and ethnicities including Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Parsi and Christians.

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Her contribution to the education of Pakistani women remains umatched and phenomenal. The quality of education and character building under her tutelage served to enlighten students, many of whom have excelled in their respective fields to do their mentor proud.

Her funeral is scheduled to take place at Sacred Heart Convent School chapel and expected to be attended by a sea of old students.

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