Punjab Approves Various Development Schemes in PDWP Forum

Punjab Approves Various Development Schemes in PDWP Forum

The Punjab Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) approved five development schemes of various sectors with an estimated cost of Rs.42,309.203 million.

According to the details, these schemes were approved in the meeting of Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) of current fiscal year 2021-22 presided over by Chairman Planning & Development Board, Abdullah Khan Sumbal.

The approved development scheme included Punjab Urban Land System Enhancement Project at the cost of Rs. 25,500.000 million, Establishment of Project Management Unit:

  • Revamping Work of DHQ/THQ Hospitals in Punjab at the cost of Rs. 1.095.893 million
  • Provision of Air Rescue Service in Punjab at the cost of Rs. 1,1631.000 million
  • Extension/Improvement of Water Supply Scheme Southern City
  • Okara (Revised) at the cost of Rs. 925.180 million
  • Upgradation and Environmental Improvement of Chungi No. 09 Disposal Station Multan at the cost of Rs. 3,157.130 million.
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Provincial Secretary P&D Mujahid Sherdil, all Members of the Planning & Development Board, Provincial Secretaries of concerned departments, and other senior representatives of the relevant Provincial Departments also attended the meeting.

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