Resolution against Pakistan in European Parliament



ISLAMABAD: Resolution against Pakistan in European Parliament was presented.

Captain’s fears proved right. According to reports, 681 members in the European Parliament supported the resolution against 6. The resolution called for a review of GSP Plus for Pakistan and the abolition of discriminatory laws on minorities. The MPs expressed full solidarity with France in the dispute between France and Pakistan.

The EU Parliament has called on the Commission and the European External Action Service to immediately review the eligibility of Pakistan’s GSP status in the light of current events and to consider whether there are good reasons. That action be taken to temporarily withdraw this GSP Plus station and the benefits derived from it, and to report it to the European Parliament as soon as possible.

Charlie Weimer, a member of the European Parliament from Sweden, who co-sponsored the resolution, spoke in a recent session of parliament about the killing or imprisonment of religious minorities in Pakistan over blasphemy allegations. Cited

He said in his remarks that Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan, instead of defending the human rights of his citizens from false accusers, equated the denial of Holocaust and genocide with criticism of the Holy Prophet of Islam.

The legislator further tweeted that should Europe do justice to the mob that targeted Christians and the Prime Minister who compared it to the Holocaust? I have no answer

On the other hand, Pakistan has expressed frustration over the resolution on blasphemy laws in the European Parliament.

Foreign Office spokesman said that the talks in the European Parliament show ignorance of blasphemy laws and religious sensitivities in Pakistan.

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