Russia mulls sending humanitarian aid to Afghanistan: ambassador

Why does the World Need to Step up for Afghanistan?

Sept 13, 2021: Russia is considering the possibility of providing humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, although no practical agreement has yet been reached on the issue, according to Russian Ambassador to Kabul Dmitry Zirnov while speaking on the YouTube channel Soloviov Live.

“They are expecting humanitarian aid from the international community in general. We are also studying the possibility. Once the issue is solved, I can make an announcement on that,” Russia’s ambassador to Afghanistan said.

At the same time, Russia’s ambassador said that so far he saw “no requests directed specifically at Russia,” but Afghanistan is ready for economic interaction with Moscow.

“They saw that our embassy was among the few – in fact, only China, Pakistan and Iran remained – who did not flee and faced the reality. They appreciate that,” Zhirnov said.

In his words, the government and the people of Afghanistan are now focusing on rebuilding the country rather than on geopolitical agenda. “Afghanistan has been hit by a crisis, which began to brew long ago. Right now, they need the new government to somehow stabilize the situation. They are introspective and busy preventing it all from falling apart, preventing the crisis – made worse by the West’s decision to freeze three quarters of the budget – from becoming even more profound,” the Russian diplomat added.
Foreign countries greeted the make-up of the new government in Afghanistan with caution and dismay last week after the Taliban appointed hardline veteran figures to top positions, including several with a US bounty on their head.
Before Russia, China announced last week that it would ship $31 million worth of food and medical supplies to Afghanistan, one of the first pledges of foreign aid since the Taliban took power last month.
Pakistan sent cooking oil and medicine to authorities in Kabul last week, while the country’s foreign minister called on the international community to provide unconditional aid and freeze Afghan assets.
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