Shehryar Afridi, Sardar Atiq demand the FATF to take notice of the RSS


Lahore, 26th August: Chairman Pakistan’s Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir, Mr. Shehryar Khan Afridi, and former Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Atiq Khan, have expressed deep concern over reports that the Hindu terrorist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Singh (RSS) was operating in some European countries. 

The two leaders called on the FATF and other financial institutions in Islamabad to stop the illegal remittances of Indians living abroad, including in some Western countries, to the terrorist organization RSS.

The two leaders called on the United Nations, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and other financial institutions to take stock of the situation and take immediate action to curb these illegal transactions.

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The two leaders said that RSS terrorists have carried out terrorist attacks against Muslims and other religious minorities across India, including the 2006 Malegaon blast, the Mecca mosque bombing in Hyderabad, the Samjhauta Express bombing and the Ajmer Sharif shrine blast.

Expressing surprise at the FATF’s silence on illegal transactions to the RSS, the two leaders said that the RSS was receiving financial support from Indians living in different countries and that the Indian consulate was a terrorist organization.

The two leaders have demanded that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global financial watchdog, take steps to combat money laundering and terrorist financing of Hindu terrorist organizations.

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Shehryar Afridi, meanwhile, reiterated that the people of Pakistan and its leadership are committed to the cause of Kashmir and will remain steadfast until the dispute is resolved in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

On the occasion, Sardar Atiq congratulated Shehryar Afridi on taking charge of the committee and expressed confidence in the leadership of Shehryar Afridi. He said that the role and advocacy of Shehryar Afridi are very important.

He said that the Kashmir issue is a very complex issue and Pakistan has to focus on making statements to present the facts to the world.

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Welcoming the recent political map of Pakistan and Prime Minister Imran Khan’s aggressive diplomacy on Kashmir, Atiq said that this is a historic moment for Kashmiris and the world is now more sensitive about the Kashmir issue and now is the time.

Sardar Atiq also asked Shehryar Afridi to join hands with Kashmiris and Pakistanis around the world and said that the dispute would play a major role in raising awareness on Kashmir.

Shehryar Afridi assured the leadership of Azad Jammu and Kashmir of his full support and said that the Kashmir Committee would go the extra mile to represent the aspirations of Kashmiris and the atrocities perpetrated on Kashmiris by Indian fascist forces in occupied Kashmir.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more news and updates!

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