Shibli urges int’l community to pressurize India to end IIOJK’s military siege


ISLAMABAD, Aug 05 (APP):Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz on Wednesday urged the international community to pressurize the fascist Modi government to end the military siege of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and release the Kashmiris languishingin various Indian prisons.

Addressing a 3D projection campaign of Indian atrocities in the IIOJK here at the Parliament House, he said the world community should force New Delhi to take steps for the release and recovery of thousands of Kashmiris, who were missing after their arrest by the Indian army and other law enforcement agencies.

The oppression being faced by the Kashmiris at the hands of Indian occupation forces had no parallel in the world history, he said, adding a peaceful solution of the Kashmir dispute was imperative for easing tensions in the region.

The Kashmiris’ struggle would get further momentum in future and they would get rid of the Indian illegal occupation, he added.

Shibli Faraz said the Kashmiris were not alone in their struggle against the tyrant and colonial India, which had been occupying the state in total disregard to the international laws and the United Nations conventions.

Pakistan, he said, would continue its support for the Kashmiris’ just cause till realization of their goal of freedom from the Indian yoke. Pakistan would raise the Kashmir issue at all the international forums, including the United Nations.

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