Shocking, 5 doctors test positive for Covid-19 in Kashmir


Five doctors in three hospitals in Srinagar in Indian Occupied Kashmir tested positive for Corona Virus.

A 75-year-old man also died of Covid-19 at Chest Diseases (CD) hospital in Srinagar taking the death toll to 14. The Covid-19 tally in Jammu and Kashmir rose to 1,188 on Monday

Officials said that the five doctors were tested a day after a 29-year-old woman, who was earlier treated at Shri Maharaja Hari Singh (SMHS) hospital by ENT specialists and then tested positive for Covid-19, died at the CD hospital.

“5 doctors positive – 4 of them were treating a single positive patient. No one is immune to the infection. Please take precautions,” Dr Naveed Shah, head of chest medicine at CD hospital, said in a tweet.

The patient was operated at SMHS by ENT surgeons for Ludwig’s Angina (submandibular abscess) and mediastinitis and had suffered septic shock.

Dr Khan said that the 75-year-old person who died on Monday was from Hiller Kokernag in south Kashmir’s Anantnag and was earlier admitted to SMHS hospital.

“He tested positive and was shifted to CD hospital where his two latest reports also came positive for Covid-19. The patient died today morning at CD hospital,” he said.

On Sunday, 62 people had tested positive for Covid-19 including 14 police personnel and a pregnant woman.

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